Monday, 16 November 2015

Recent Writing

Lewis produced a piece of writing on Robin Deacon's recent work in London for the SPILL Think Tank: Robin Deacon (Video Memories)

Robin Deacon's White Balance

Also produced during the SPILL Festival of Performance was this piece for East End Review on the media furore around Poppy Jackson's Site - Site at SPILL

The second part of Lewis's writing on Camden People's Theatre Calm Down Dear Festival 2015 is here.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Recent Writing and New Term

It's the new term! Lewis is now in the third year of his PhD study, and will be returning to Queen Mary, University of London as a Teaching Associate.
Recent Writing:

Hackney Citizen / East End Review - The Fantasy of Representation
Exeunt Magazine - Calm Down Dear 2015 Week 1

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Queen Mary Against Casualisation

As a Teaching Associate at Queen Mary, Lewis is involved with Queen Mary Against Casualisation (QMAC), a group devoted to combating the neoliberal agenda of precarious, insecure employment in Further and Higher Education.

For more information please visit:

Twitter: @QmacQm

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Back from New York + Recent Writing

Lewis is back from his research trip to New York, where he spent time at the Fales archive, Howl! Happening, Select Art Fair, New York LPA, St. Marks Poetry Project and NYU.
Warhol Screen Tests 'Midnight Moment' at Times Sq.
Upcoming events:

Lewis will be presenting his paper on the work of Vaginal Davis, 'Memory Island and the Traces of Performance History', at Traces Conference 2015 - University of Westminster, 8th June 2015

Peopling the Palace(s) at Queen Mary, University of London
Recent Writing:

Hackney Citizen / East End Review - AA Bronson Hexenmeister
Exeunt Magazine - Reverend Billy and the UK Election

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Recent Writing + News

- Lewis was delighted to win the award for 'Best Live Art' at Bornshorts Festival in Bornholm, Denmark, at the end of last year.

- Lewis has been continuing with his PhD, travelling to Berlin to interview the incomparable Vaginal Davis in December 2014, and is booked in to visit New York in May 2015 for archival research.

Recent Writing:

Loose Lips - 20,000 Days on Earth, Actor's Anonymous
Hackney Citizen/East End Review - Psycho, Black Chronicles II, In the City

And it was great to be back playing bass for Franko B at The Flying Dutchman and Daniel Oliver at ArtsAdmin!